30 October, 2023 | 11:30 to 11:50
The GEMS Wellington Difference - The Cluster Director's Role
The Wellington Cluster of Schools has created a variety of Director roles to work across the cluster to improve outcomes. I will be discussing how I have developed the role of GEMS Wellington Director of Inclusion over the past year, and the impact this has had in the 4 schools of the cluster. I will be talking about what I have learned in my first year in this role and highlight some of the projects I have developed. I will also be looking at what still needs to be developed, how my vision has changed, and what my plans for the future are, hoping to give other schools some ideas to develop their own inclusive practices and ways of working.
31 October, 2023 | 14:50 to 15:35
Inclusive education: what does it truly mean?
This panel focuses on the true meaning of inclusivity in education and our role as educators to achieve that. The panel will discuss a variety of experiences and best practices from those involved in education or with students and families on a day-to-day basis. Why is inclusion so important and why is the gap between inclusive education and inclusive workplaces significant? How can schools play a role in addressing this issue? The panel will share valuable insight on the biggest challenges being faced and how education leaders can support families in preparing their children for the future.