E-service for Dubai schools to order textbooks
MoE and DMI jointly launched the e-gate initiative that’s designed to give schools a logistics solution in textbook ordering
The UAE ministry of education (MoE), in collaboration with Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI), has launched a new e-gate initiative that has been designed to give Dubai private schools a faster and more convenient way of ordering textbooks for the coming academic year.
The new service titled e-gate project was unveiled on Sunday at the Ministry of Education headquarters.
“The e-gate project is part of the ministry of education’s efforts to make use of modern technologies and smart tools in order to improve the quality of its services,” said Marwan Al Sawalih, undersecretary at the Ministry of Education.
A host of smart applications will help identify which MoE-approved textbooks books are needed by each school, facilitating the ordering process and delivering them to the school in the shortest time possible.
The system will also feature comprehensive information about the books, including prices and available quantities. This will help school officials to plan ahead and relay the adequate information to parents, students and teachers.
“The e-gate program is a leap forward in the development of logistics solutions in book ordering for private schools. This will result in more productivity and efficiency as compared to how books were traditionally ordered before,” said Faisal Bin Haider, executive director, Printing and Distribution, DMI.
“The main objective of this new initiative is to best serve the teaching and education segment of the UAE.”
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