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Hagop Dertavitian

Arabic Voices of Future Generation & Educational Project Manager

Emirates Literature Foundation

Hagop has been working in the field of education for over 15 years. Hagop is a highly qualified professional with a diverse background in education and extensive experience in teaching and leadership roles. He holds a degree in Biochemistry and a Diploma of Education, which have provided him with a strong foundation in both scientific knowledge and pedagogical expertise. He held several key positions in the education sector. He served as a Science Advisor, providing valuable insights and guidance to educators in implementing effective teaching strategies. As a S.T.E.A.M Education Leader, he spearheaded initiatives to integrate interdisciplinary approaches into the curriculum, fostering student innovation and critical thinking. Additionally, he has proven himself as an accomplished high school director, overseeing the smooth functioning of the institution while ensuring academic excellence and a conducive learning environment. Since 2019, Hagop has served as an Educational Project Manager at the Emirates Literature Foundation in Dubai. He focuses on empowering children by nurturing their knowledge and amplifying their voices, fostering creativity and innovation through spoken and written words. Additionally, he strongly emphasizes sustainability and promoting children's rights. Hagop is a nature lover and enjoys traveling to new destinations to discover different cultures and create wonderful memories. He enjoys reading books, swimming, and practicing meditation.


الإمكانات الملحوظة التي يمتلكها الأطفال لدفع التغيير الإيجابي والابتكار. تشمل أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة، تحديات عالمية حاسمة تتطلب جهداً جماعياً من أجل مستقبل مستدام. تسلط جلستنا الضوء على أهمية فهم هذه الأهداف وتبنيها، من أجل مستقبل أفضل وأكثر استدامة. سنناقش كيفية تضمين هذه الأهداف سواء من خلال مواد المدرسية أو الأنشطة المنزلية. تشدد الجلسة أيضاً على دور التربويين والآباء في تنمية عقول الأطفال الصغار للتفكير بشكل نقدي وإبداعي. سنتناول تقنيات تشجيع الأطفال على تجاوز التفكير التقليدي واستكشاف وجهات نظر جديدة. من خلال تحفيزهم على التفكير "خارج الصندوق"، نمكنهم من وضع حلول ابتكارية للمشكلات والتحديات الحالية. انضموا إلينا في هذه الجلسة لاكتشاف كيف يمكننا صياغة جيل ليس فقط يفهم أهمية أهداف التنمية المستدامة، بل يأخذ أيضاً خطوات ملموسة للمساهمة في مستقبل أكثر استدامة وانسجاماً. معاً، دعونا نمنح أصوات الشباب العربية القوة لصياغة مستقبل أفضل لأنفسهم وللأجيال القادمة!


01 November, 2023 | 10:30 to 11:00
Voices of Future Generations and Education Initiatives Manager

In this session, we delve into the significance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and explore ways to seamlessly integrate them into our daily lives. Our aim is to highlight the remarkable potential children possess to drive positive change and innovation. The Sustainable Development Goals, set by the United Nations, encompass crucial global challenges that require collective effort for a sustainable future. Our session emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing these goals, as they form the blueprint for a better world. We will discuss how these goals can be woven into the fabric of our everyday lives, whether through school subjects or activities at home. The session also emphasizes the role of educators, parents, and mentors in nurturing young minds to think critically and creatively. We'll delve into techniques that encourage children to break free from conventional thinking and explore fresh perspectives. By motivating them to think "outside the box,"