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Annika Jisu Babu

School Counselor, Member of Child Protection and Child Safeguarding Team

GEMS Modern Academy

With over 8 years of experience in the field of teaching, counseling, and promoting student and staff wellbeing, Annika Jisu currently serves as a Psychology Teacher, School Counselor, and a member of the Safeguarding and Child Protection Team (CSG) at GEMS Modern Academy.. Having completed her Master in School Counseling (Diploma - U.S.A.) and Master in Clinical Psychology (India), her passion has been in the field of supporting, protecting, empowering, and uplifting the student community. During her time at Modern, she has worked closely with the team to plan, promote and empower our stakeholders with key skills to promote holistic well-being. Currently, she is also a Restorative Practice core team member that introduced the research-backed process to the school community with the aim to promote healthy resolution of conflicts and restore relationships.

The last three years as a CSG member proved to be challenging yet extremely meaningful journey. Along with her colleagues, Annika has been fully committed to protecting and promoting children's rights, especially their right to be protected from any form of harm, abuse, and exploitation. Through dynamic student-led initiatives, using current, up-to-date research and policies such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Wadeema Law, and the Digital Intelligence framework, she aims to develop children's understanding of their rights and responsibilities as global citizens and leaders of the future.


31 October, 2023 | 12:30 to 12:50
حوار شيق حول تأثير الاستشارات عالية الجودة على إنجازات الطلاب ورفاهيتهم
31 October, 2023 | 15:30 to 16:00
نهج يركز على الطالب لحماية الطفل وحمايته

على مدى السنوات الأربع الماضية ، اعتمدت أكاديمية GEMS الحديثة منهجًا يركز على الطلاب في حماية الأطفال وحمايتهم. يعترف هذا النهج بأن الطلاب هم أهم أصحاب المصلحة في نظام التعليم ويشرك الطلاب في العمليات الرئيسية ، ومنحهم صوتًا وتمكينهم من القيام بدور نشط في سلامتهم. وهذا يشمل التعليم حول الممارسات الآمنة ، وخلق ثقافة الثقة ، وتقديم الدعم والموارد لمساعدة الطلاب على التعامل مع أي حوادث قد تنشأ. كانت النتائج القابلة للقياس والابتكارات المتعلقة بالحماية والتغيرات الثقافية مشجعة ومحفزة للغاية. سيضم العرض التقديمي الطلاب وأعضاء فريق حماية الموظفين لتسليط الضوء على المعالم الرئيسية والوجبات السريعة من رحلتهم.